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This could eventually lead to waveguides replacing Lightning ports. As an example, very high-frequency waves (e.”Apple’s documentation states, “Utilizing conductive wires to transmit data requires the use of receptacles on the receiving side, which may often create openings within which moisture and/or debris may enter.A report by CultofMac states, “The filing points out that the amount of data that can be sent through a conductive wire is limited by the electrical resistance of the material.”Apple is working on alternatives and with this patent, they are investigating waveguides that can transmit electromagnetic waves. Using multiple wires in conjunction can lead to capacitive coupling adding “noise” to the data. The possibility that Apple is seeking out will be a combination of the two and the end result will be sending extremely fast data via waveguides., millimetre waves) that easily disperse in the atmosphere can be contained within a waveguide to prevent dispersion of transmitted signals.The report ends by stating, “Using a system for transmitting data that’s far plastic injection molding machine price faster than a cable or Wi-Fi and doesn’t require a physical port would allow Apple to make an iPhone even more waterproof than its current models.g.With the 2019 iPhone’s script seemingly already written on the wall; it appears that Apple is exploring other options for future iPhones when it comes to transferring data apart from cables or wireless connections.

Apple has filed a patent for Conductive Cladding for Waveguides and it comprises of documents revealing some of the brand’s ideas on using this technology to replace data cables., tens or even hundreds of gigahertz (GHz)) can be achieved. By enabling the transmission of millimetre waves, transmissions performed at frequencies substantially higher than that of conductive wires (e.The patent states, “Waveguides are structures that enable wave signals to propagate with minimal loss of energy.”The latest patent surrounds methods for making certain that the transmitter and receiver of the millimetre waves are oriented correctly. Waveguides are particularly useful for transmitting waves that are not normally capable of efficient transmission in the atmosphere.With waveguides, Apple will empower its iPhones to transfer data far more quickly and efficiently without wires or even without a Lightning port.g.”

Posté le 17/12/2020 à 04:45 par poac
Catégorie HXH 160

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